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Tibetan medicine

Theory of Traditional Tibetan Medicine | Tibetan Medicine Buddha
Tibetan Medicine Tree - Traditional Tibetan Medicine Text
Practice of Traditional Tibetan Medicine

Theory of Traditional Tibetan Medicine

Tibetan medicine བོད་ཀྱི་གསོ་བ་རིག་པ། focuses on the understanding of the body/mind and its relationship to the environment, and uses diagnostic techniques based on the insight, skills and compassion of the medical practitioner.
Tibetan medicine is especially effective in the treatment of chronic conditions such as multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, arthritis, rheumatism, gastro-intestinal and liver complaints, allergies, cardiovascular problems, neurological abnormalities, and reduced mobility. In such cases Tibetan medicine generally offers an improvement in the quality of life.
Tibetan medicine encompasses a holistic view of a person which is seen to consist of three basic energies. These three basic energies are responsible for the entire function of mind, body, and spirit.
rLung (Wind) energy manifests in nature as the air element. It is responsible for all physical and mental movements including circulation of blood, breathing, elimination, secretion, impulses of the nervous system, and clarity of the sense organs. It also sustains life by maintaining balance between the mind and body.
Tri-pa (Bile) energy has the nature of fire element. It is responsible for metabolism, hunger, thirst, digestion, assimilation, temperature, skin complexion, encouragement and intelligence. It also expresses aggression, hatred, anger and determination.
Bad-kan (Phlegm) energy manifests in nature as earth and water elements. It is responsible for firmness of the body and stability of the mind. It induces sleep, connects bodily joints, and lubricates the body. It also generates tolerance, expresses ignorance and incomprehension.
In Tibetan medicine individual health involves the proper alignment and balance of these three energies. When a person’s psychological conditions, diet and behavior are improper, the balance of these energies is disturbed resulting in a variety of complaints and illnesses.

Practice of Traditional Tibetan Medicine


During a consultation, the Tibetan physicians feel the pulses, looks at the eyes and the tongue, examines the urine, and asks certain questions. In this way he assesses a great deal of information about the patient's condition, detects any imbalances in the body’s energies, and determines an effective treatment.
There are many interventions recommended by Tibetan physicians. Typically, a disorder is primarily caused by an improper diet and/or lifestyle. As a result, Tibetan physicians always offer specific, individualized suggestions on how to improve one’s health by diet and lifestyle modification. The treatment also consists of recommending Tibetan herbal pills and herbal teas, and physical therapies including cupping, Tibetan Yoga, meditation, medicinal bath, moxibustion and Tibetan Kum-Nye massage. 

Practice of Traditional Tibetan Medicine
Tibetan Medicine Doctor (Amchi) Reading Pulse
Traditional Tibetan Medicine - Cupping with Copper Bowls

Medicine Buddha Mantra

Om Namo Bhagawate Bhekhaze Guru Bendurya Prabha Razaya Tatha Ghataya Arhate Samnya Sam Buddhaya Tayatha Om Bhekhaze Bhekhaze Maha Bhekhaze Bhekhaze Razaya Samung Ghate Svaha


Om Mani Padme Hum

Tibetan Medicine Text - rGyud-bZhi - Four Tantras
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